Adderall is a stimulant medication prescribed by physicians
to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). It has also become a popular “performance-enhancing drug” used by athletes.
ADHD is a behavioral disorder consisting of an inability to
maintain attention along with features of hyperactivity and impulsivity. It is typically seen in both boys and
girls under the age of 7 but symptoms can persist into adulthood. It affects approximately 8% of
Adults with ADHD typically have difficulty remembering
information, completing tasks and concentrating.
There is no specific test for ADHD. The diagnosis is primarily based on
observing a child’s behavior or extensive neuropsychological testing in
The treatment principally consists of stimulant medications
that can improve the ability to remain focused. The dosage must be carefully adjusted based on symptoms and
the response to therapy.
Adderall (dextroamphetamine-amphetamine) is the principal
drug used to treat ADHD. It is a
potent stimulant that can cause increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate and
seizures. It has become an
attractive performance-enhancing drug for athletes due to its ability to fight
fatigue and improve concentration.
Non-prescription use of Adderall has increased recently
among high school and college students to enhance academic performance.
The challenge for sports organizations like the NCAA, NFL
and MLB is deciding which players have a legitimate reason for using
Adderall. Like other medications,
an athlete can apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
“ADHD is
overwhelmingly the most common diagnosis associated with TUEs in Major League
Baseball,” said Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Director of Sports Medicine at the
University of Connecticut. He also
serves as the Independent Program Administrator for MLB’s Drug Prevention and
Treatment Program. He is
responsible for overseeing the 119 TUEs issued by MLB this year of which 116
were for ADHD.
The use of medications to improve athletic performance is a
growing problem. The solution is
not in more regulation but increased honesty among athletes.